My Intention for 2025

Happy New Year's Eve!

I hope you had a good festive season, if you were celebrating. We had a busy but lovely time. My sister and 1 year old nephew were with us for 3 weeks and my father-in-law just flew back to the UK. The house is quiet and starting to get back to some sort of normality - O except for the new puppy we recently adopted! More about that in my recent LinkedIn Post!

As we head into 2025, I wanted to pause for a moment and reflect on what an incredible year it has been! We started the Dare to Dream Membership and have welcomed 12 wonderful women into the cohort!

I also took a courageous step this year. And that was saying no to work that wasn't aligned with what I want to do. This was hard because it was quite a lot of money but I noticed that I started to feel de-energized by the work and was filling my calendar with "jobs" rather than spending my time and energy on the things that mattered - family, my health and the women that I am meant to serve.

So I said "thanks but no thanks"!

Since making that decision, my days are lighter and brighter. My calendar isn't packed with planning meetings, deliveries and hours of prep. Instead, I am exercising in the morning, doing deep work that I love, making an impact (and money!) and being there for the family.

It's easy to get stuck in a trap but if you catch yourself AND then do something about it, you can make changes and adjustments. The trick is to not let yourself stay in that trap too long - I did that for years and am not doing that again!

So...2025, you are upon us. My wish for myself and you all is that we head into the new year with a strong intention and that it serves as a guiding light for us throughout the year.

Too many of us live our lives on repeat - old patterns of thinking, old habits and as a result, the same reality.

So, if you want 2025 to look different for you - more joyful, more freedom, more abundance. Then start by setting an intention.

My intention for 2025 is "Focus".

I chose this word because I am easily distracted and can get sidetracked quite easily. That's very unhelpful when trying to build a business! So for 2025, my focus will be the Dare to Dream Membership, Women in Leadership Programmes, the launch of my podcast (yep I'm doing it!) and The Pause Retreats.

Wooohoo! That felt so good and nerve wracking declaring those things!!! 😆

Ok, enough about me now and time to take a moment to say thank you!

Thank you to all of you for your support this year. For being the inspiration and reason for the work that I do and for teaching me so many valuable lessons 🙏

I love this community and am so so grateful for you all 💞

Have a wonderful start to your New Year and if you feel inclined to, please write back to me with your Intention for 2025 - I'd love to hear it!

Lots of love and gratitude,


A New Year's Gift for You!


Why Starting the Year With Pause and Reflection Is More Powerful Than Setting Goals