A New Year's Gift for You!
Use it to reflect on your life and career and take stock of where things are for you.
There are some guiding questions to help you dream what great would look like in the different areas of your life and an opportunity to set some goals and intentions in these areas.
My Intention for 2025
It's easy to get stuck in a trap but if you catch yourself AND then do something about it, you can make changes and adjustments. The trick is to not let yourself stay in that trap too long - I did that for years and am not doing that again!
Why Starting the Year With Pause and Reflection Is More Powerful Than Setting Goals
New Year’s resolutions always sound promising, don’t they? You pick a goal, set a deadline, and declare that this year will be different. But by February, you’re left wondering why sticking to resolutions feels so impossible.
The Science Behind Micro-Breaks
When we engage in prolonged periods of work without rest, our cognitive resources deplete, making us less effective and more prone to errors.
What if Doing the Hard Stuff is the Secret to your Success?
Every time you choose to act and do the hard stuff - even when you really really don't want to - you will be one step closer to your desire or dream.
How's your Mental Load?
Most women take on the majority of the caring responsibilities at home and it weighs heavy on their mental load on top of their professional work.
Meet your Inner Critic
Who is this inner critic and do you have one? Let's find out shall we?
Do you have a need to be liked?
Today I am sharing some tips (backed by research) that may be helpful if you too find yourself needing to be liked by others.
How to Change your Reality
You have probably heard the saying “We can create our own reality” but do you know what that actually means? Or how to do it? If not read on...
I get to vs. I have to
A simple yet powerful way to increase gratitude, elevate our feelings about the present, and reframe how we move through our days.
Feeling worthy
“Am I worth it?” I’m going to take a guess and say that you have probably asked yourself this question at some point in your life.
Bitten by a venomous snake!
This week I was going to talk about a term I recently came across called “Life Dysmorphia” but I scraped that draft because last night our domestic helper/aunty ran into the house screaming that she had been bitten by a snake!
Go with the flow!
If I’ve learnt anything over the past few years, it’s that you cannot control everything and not everything should be controlled!
Madrid Women in Leadership Retreat – What I learnt!
I am just back from Madrid where I was facilitating a Women in Leadership Accelerator Programme for 24 amazing women from across Europe and Brazil!
Feeling overwhelmed? Let me simplify it for you.
You know that feeling when everyone else thinks you are nailing it but you feel like you are barely keeping the plates up in the air?
How to Escape the Work/Life Balance Trap
How’s your work/life balance? If you are anything like me, the answer changes constantly and it can be triggering to even be asked the question!
Showing Up & Taming Decision Overload
Have you ever been in a situation where you are faced with a decision or a series of decisions and it all just feels too overwhelming? I know I have!
Don’t quit just yet!
In this week’s newsletter I talk about my struggles with consistency and share some practical tips on how to stay consistent so that we keep moving towards what we want.
A super simple tool to help you create your dream reality!
Today, I would like to share with you one of the simple tools I used to help me create my own dream reality.
What does playing big really mean?
It usually starts with a feeling…a subtle yet nagging sense that you are meant for more…that what you are doing right now is you not playing to your full potential.